Chunwei Tian

      Chunwei Tian(田春伟)

Biography (简介)

Chunwei Tian, Associate Professor and Ph.D. supervisor at Northwestern Polytechnical University since July 2021. Member of the National Engineering Laboratory for Integrated Big Data Applications in Space, Air, Land, and Sea. Recognized as a top 2% global scientist from 2022 to 2024. His research interests include video/image restoration and recognition, as well as image generation. I have published over 80 papers in international journals and conferences, including IEEE Transactions, Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, Information Fusion, and ICASSP. I have authored one monograph and one textbook. Among my publications, six are ESI Highly Cited Papers (three of which are Hot Papers), and four are cover papers in top-tier journals.I have received the Pattern Recognition Best Paper Award, a prestigious award in the field of pattern recognition, and the Second Prize of the Natural Science Award from the China Society of Image and Graphics (ranked first). I also serve as an editorial board member or guest editor for several SCI journals, including CAAI Transaction on Intelligence Technology, IEEE TFS, and IEEE TCE.

Work Experience (工作经历)

Associate Professor and PHD supervisor, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Member, National Engineering Laboratory for Integrated Big Data Application Technologies in Air, Space, Earth, and Sea

Research Interests (研究兴趣)

Image/Video Restoration and Recognition, Video/Image Generation, Industrial Vision Defect Detection, Intelligent Transportation, Multimodal and Large Models.

Email Address: or        Google Scholar/ GitHub/ ResearchGate / 中文主页
English homepage:
Personal Code Homepage:

Main Contributions for Computer Vision (主要贡献)

Academic Achievements (学术成果)

Highly Cited Papers(高被引论文)

Cover paper, Annual excellent paper and Municipal Excellent paper on Natural science and technology(封面论文、年度优秀论文和市自然科技优秀论文)

Published over 70 academic papers, with some of the papers listed as follows:

Some collaborative papers

GitHub 2020 with contributed paper code(GitHub 2020年具有贡献论文代码)

Paper landing technique(论文落地技术)

Invited by MSU’s Graphics& Media Lab to participate in the production of international Super-resolution benchmark(受MSU’s Graphics& Media Lab邀请参加国际Super-resolution benchmark的制作)

Recruitment (招生)

1. Basic Admission Requirements

  1. Have a strong sense of national and social responsibility.
  2. Be honest and trustworthy.
  3. Be punctual and value time.
  4. Have a clear and firm goal.
  5. Have perseverance and determination.
  6. Be serious, hardworking, and eager to learn.
  7. Have a strong interest in scientific research and a spirit of exploration. Priority will be given to like-minded individuals with common research goals, and those interested in pursuing a PhD.
  8. Students who are only seeking a degree or those joining the group just to try it out should not contact me.
  9. It is recommended to exercise at least twice a week, with each session lasting no less than 40 minutes.
    Stand tall and firm, change the world; be rigorous and pragmatic, forge ahead. If you have the vision, drive, and ambition to change the world and contribute to the advancement of society and technology, please contact me!
    Our research group is quite busy, but those who are dedicated to scientific research usually achieve good results. Please ensure you carefully read the basic admission requirements and application guidelines before contacting me to avoid unnecessary inefficiencies!

    Research Group Collaborating Faculty Members

    • Shuai Wu, Xidian University of Electronic Science and Technology
    • Di Yuan, Xidian University of Electronic Science and Technology
    • Pengju Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology
    • Yuzhu Ji, Guangdong University of Technology
    • Weiqi Zhang, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
    • Lingjun Li, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
    • Jing Fang, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
    • Kan Huang, Shanghai Maritime University
    • Fei Huang, Shanghai University

2. Application Requirements

  1. Students majoring in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or Cybersecurity will be given priority, especially those with recommendation for direct admission.
  2. Undergraduate students who have performed well in the research group will be given preference. Undergraduates who perform well in our research group will be given priority. We are recruiting postdoctoral researchers year-round in the fields of Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP).(Annual Salary: ¥450,000)
  3. For Master’s degree applicants, those who meet the university’s application or recommendation admission requirements and have a solid academic background are encouraged to apply. Preferably, applicants should have: First-author achievements in top competitions such as ACM National-level contests, MCM, CVPR/ECCV/ICCV/ACM MM/AAAI/IJCAI/WWW/ICME/ICCASP, Alibaba Tianchi Cup, etc. (Top 2 rankings in programming challenges), or First-author publications (or supervisor as first author and student as second author) in SCI journals from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Area 3 or higher, or at least one paper published in a CCF-recommended A/B class English conference and two CCF C-class papers.
  4. For PhD degree applicants,those who meet the university’s application/Direct PhD admission requirements and have a solid academic background are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have already published: At least two first-author papers (or supervisor as first author and student as second author) in CAS Area 2 or higher journals, or one paper in a CAS Area 1/CCF A/B English journal and A-class conferences.Students who have performed well in our research group during their undergraduate or Master’s studies are not restricted by these conditions.Before applying to the university, please choose one recent paper from TPAMI journal or CVPR top conference, and provide a summary of your reading, research interests, research background, and PhD research plan. Please send this along with your resume to my email. After the review, further steps will be arranged.For those applying for a PhD position in our research group, it is generally required to complete at least six months of offline internship. You can also refer to my official faculty homepage here. My emails are and

News (消息)


  1. Youth Editorial Board: CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, Journal of Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence (Zone 1/SCI-IF: 7.985)

  2. Young Editorial Board: Denfence Technology (SCI-IF: 4.035/JCR Zone 1/CAS Zone 2)

  3. Guest Editor: Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS);

  4. Guest Editor Special Issue of Drones (SCI-IF: 5.532).


《IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence》

《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing》

《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems》

《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》

《IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering》

《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics》

《IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems》

《IEEE Transactions on Multimedia》

《IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions and Magazine》

《IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing》

《IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems》

《IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems》

《IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing》

《IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology》

《Neural Networks》

《Computer Vision and Image Understanding》

《Information Fusion》

《Information Sciences》

《Expert Sytems With Applications》


《IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics》

《ACM Transaction on Knowledge Discovery from Data》

《Frontiers of Optoelectronics》

《CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology》

《Pattern Recognition Letters》

《IEEE Signal Processing Letters》

《AAAI 2023》

《ICASSP 2023》

《ICASSP 2022》

I serve as a reviewer for the following journals and conferences (审稿人)

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (IEEE TIP) (SCI)

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (SCI)

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (SCI)

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)(EI)

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (IEEE TII)(SCI)

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC) (SCI)

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (IEEE TMM) (SCI)

IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions and Magazine (SCI)

IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing(SCI)

IEEE Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (SCI)

Neural Networks (SCI)

Information Fusion (SCI)

Computer Vision and Image Understanding (SCI)

Pattern Recognition Letters (SCI)

The Visual Computer (SCI)

Nerocomputing (SCI)

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

Frontiers of Optoelectronics

Expert Sytems With Applications (SCI)

IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SCI)

Artificial Intelligence In Medicine (SCI)

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (SCI)

BMC Medical Research Methodology (SCI)

ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Applied Intelligence

Chinese Journal of Electronics

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (SCI)

Journal of Central South University (SCI)

IEEE Access (SCI)

Neuro computing (SCI)

Journal of Modern Optics (SCI)

Multimedia Systems(SCI)

Journal of Internet Technology (SCI)

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (SCI)

CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (EI)

Journal of Visual Comunication

International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM)

International Journal of Biometrics

International Journal of Image and Graphics

Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

IEA/AIE 2022: International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems

International Conference on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval (MIPR)

International Journal of Data Science and Analytics

Scientific Programming

International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

The 35th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems

Optics and Laser Technology

Expert Systems

SN Applied Sciences

Asian Journal of Control

International Journal of Speech Technology

Progress in Artificial Intelligence

Evolutionary Intelligence

Scientific Reports

ARR 2022


ISCAS 2021: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (EI) 18th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2021) (EI) The 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (CSAE 2020) (EI)

18th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2020) (EI)

ACAIT 2019 (EI)

2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing (AIIPC 2019) (EI)

ACAIT 2018 (EI)

Education and work experience (教育背景和工作经历)

Education And Teaching

Graduate Course “Cloud Oriented Big Data Technologies” (Spring)

Undergraduate Course “Principles and Applications of Big Data Technology” (Spring)

Awards (奖励)

2022 Included in the list of top 2% top scientists in the world released by Stanford University

2022 Provincial high-level talents

2022 Municipal Youth Science and Technology Talents

2022 Municipal Science and Technology Think Tank Young Talents

2022 China**

2022 Local Science and Technology Talent Trophy

2022 Outstanding Individual Member of Jiangsu Computer Society

2022 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Provincial Artificial Intelligence Society

2022 Two of my papers were awarded the second Excellent Scientific and Technological Academic Papers of Shenzhen

2022 Awarded the 2022 Wiley High Contribution Author of Open Science in China

2022 **Province High-level Talent

2022 ** Young scientific and technological talents

2022 My PhD thesis was awarded as an excellent PhD thesis by Shenzhen CCF.

2022 China**

2022 Trophy for local scientific and technological talents

2022 The 24th Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Harbin Institute of Technology.

2022 I was awarded the Outstanding Dissertation Supervisor for Undergraduate Students.

2022 I am inducted into the ** City Spirit Preaching Team.

2022 I am invited to be the Guest Editor of Drones.

2022 I am invited as a Guest Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI.

2022 I am invited to be an editorial board member of SChinese Science and Technology Journal **.

2022 I am invited to be the **editorial board member of the international journal ** (CAS Region II/SCI Journal).

2022 I was invited to be a member of the editorial board of Computer**.

2022 I am invited Guest Editor of International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCI-IF:1.640).

2022 I am invited to be a guest editor for the international journal Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering(SCI-IF:2.080).

2022 I am awarded as a contributing reviewer for the international journal Frontiers of Optoelectronics (FOE) 2021.

2022 I am invited to be the Publicity Chair of the international conference 2022 International Conference on Applied Mathmatics and Digital Simulation(AMDS 2022).

2022 I am invited to be the Special Session Co-Chair, Workshop Chair of the international conference “ICCSI 2022”.

2022 I am invited to be the SI Chair of the international conference 6th Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (ACAIT 2022).

2022 I am invited to be the PC Chair of the international conference International Conference on Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Intelligent Mining (MLCCIM 2022).

2022 I join the expert group of domestic Chinese core journals **.

2022 I am invited to be the guest editor of the special issue of Electronics, an international journal.

2022 I am invited to be the Workshop Chair of the international conference, International Conference on Machine Learning, Cloud Computing and Intelligent Mining (MLCCIM 2022).

2021 I am invited as a guest editor of the special journal of Mathematics about the special issue on method and application of machine learning.

2021 I am rated as a contribution reviewer of internal journal of Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BEEI).

2021 I am invited as a technical expert of Shanghai.

2021 Two papers become ESI highly cited papers.

2021 A paper is rated as only annual outstanding paper of the CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology in 2018 and 2019.

2021 Codes of three papers are rated as contribution codes for the public codes of the GitHub in 2020.

2021 Two paper techniques are integrated on the Chinese high-quality platform (iHub) and international famous machine learning platform (Profillic).

2021 Prize graduate student of Harbin Institute of Technology

2020 Outstanding student of Harbin Institute of Technology

2019 Outstanding student of Harbin Institute of Technology

2019 PhD degree candidate National Scholarship

2019 Merit Student of Heilongjiang Province

2018 Outstanding student of Harbin Institute of Technology

2017 Outstanding Graduate paper for master

2017 Outstanding Graduates of master

2017 Prize for The Creative Academia for master

2016 Advanced Individual of Master

2016 Master degree candidate National Scholarship

2015 Merit Student of Heilongjiang Province

2015 Advanced Individual of Master

2015 Master degree candidate National Scholarship

2014-2017 The First Prize Scholarship of Master for forth

2014 Outstanding Graduate paper for undergraduate

2013 Merit Student of Heilongjiang Province

2012 National Scholarship

2011-2013 The First Prize Scholarship for six times

2010-2012 Editorial minister for English club and plan the ninth and tenth foreign language cultural art festival

2010.09-2011.01 The Third Prize Scholarship for once

2010-2013 Merit student for three times

Team Members (团队成员)

Supervisor for postdoc(博士后)

Supervisor for doctorate(博士生)

Runbing Wu, Hainan University, China

Supervisor for Postgraduates (硕士生)

Tasnime Mockbel, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Supervisor for Visiting students (交换生)

Peixian Su, Shenzhen University, China
Kaiwen Zha, Shenzhen University, China

Supervisor for Undergraduates (本科生)


This homepage is supported by Mr. Menghua Zheng in June, 2021.